Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reading Blog #2

My first image to represent hegemony is that of the Disney logo. I thought that it was a good representation of the idea of hegemony, because the Disney Corporation is a powerhouse of media, and controls much of what is in our culture today. Disney dominates all aspects of media, producing movies, music, and pop icons that both children and adults have adored for ages.
The second image I chose is that of an IV bag full of Starbucks brand coffee. I think Starbucks is a good example of hegemony, because it has become the dominating force in the coffee industry. It is no secret that many people in America run on Starbucks, whether it is by drinks bought in the cafes or through the bagged blends of coffee found in stores. Starbucks has become so popular, many mom and pop style coffee shops are being run out of business that are in the cafes' areas.

The last image I chose is one that represents America. America is a huge nation that produces many goods and ships out tons of money and items to other countries. America has helped the economies of many other countries, and has a prominent influence all over the world, therefore making it a good example of hegemony.

1 comment:

  1. I do have a comment about the Disney logo. I can understand what motivated you to pick the logo, but you did not clearly explain the reasoning. I'm just curious as to what you see in the logo that triggers the idea of hegemony?

    Personally, I see the picture of the castle as a symbol of royalty, an "untouchableness", if you will. It seems as though they are demanding respect.
