Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Research Blog #4

At first glance, the website steampunkworkshop.com is obviously full of information and pictures that are great for those interested in steampunk. Along the sides are links to various other steampunk websites, and the middle is in the style of a blog, with different posts on steampunk related material, such as fashion, events, and history. I find this site to be very appealing, because of it's use of colorful pictures and links, to further explain the subculture of steampunk.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Research Blog #3

My topic I chose is Steampunk and I will be using the sites steampunkworkshop.com and steampunkmagazine.com.

Reading Blog #2

My first image to represent hegemony is that of the Disney logo. I thought that it was a good representation of the idea of hegemony, because the Disney Corporation is a powerhouse of media, and controls much of what is in our culture today. Disney dominates all aspects of media, producing movies, music, and pop icons that both children and adults have adored for ages.
The second image I chose is that of an IV bag full of Starbucks brand coffee. I think Starbucks is a good example of hegemony, because it has become the dominating force in the coffee industry. It is no secret that many people in America run on Starbucks, whether it is by drinks bought in the cafes or through the bagged blends of coffee found in stores. Starbucks has become so popular, many mom and pop style coffee shops are being run out of business that are in the cafes' areas.

The last image I chose is one that represents America. America is a huge nation that produces many goods and ships out tons of money and items to other countries. America has helped the economies of many other countries, and has a prominent influence all over the world, therefore making it a good example of hegemony.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Research Blog #2

For our subcultures paper, I found myself heavily leaning towards the "punk" or darker aspects of the subcultures in America today. For example, on my list I have an interesting subculture of people called Steampunk. I find this subculture interesting because it has some unique aspects and backstory that is not common in other subcultures that are similar to it (such as gothic or punk).

Steampunk first caught my eye after a trip this summer to Portland, Oregon. I went to the Saturday Market there (which was teeming with all sorts of people and subcultures), and noticed that there were people dressed in the Victorian style. I thought that was interesting, and looked up that style on the internet, finding it to be Steampunk.

I love reading about fashion and different styles, and Steampunk is interesting to me because they have their own way of wearing clothes and remodeling them to fit their style. Also, they have an interesting style of music that appeals to me, because it is post-industrial in it's bass beats and melody. In addition to being unique and not as mainstream as punk or goth, Steampunk is actually based on old victorian novels and ideas, such as a steam-powered world, which appeals to those with big imaginations.

I think this will be an interesting subculture to research, because of the creative and different ways they view the world. However, I do know that it may be slightly difficult, because it is not as mainstream as other subcultures in the United States, and there is not as much information as others.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Research Blog #1

List of sub-cultures:


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reading Blog #1

The first term that I will write about is "Mass Culture", which is basically Pop Culture. When I think of Mass Culture, I think of commercialized, mass produced products that are intended to be consumed or used by many people at a time. When thinking about this idea, my first thought was popular music (which will be represented here by Lady GaGa, a very popular musician today). Popular music has made many changes throughout the years, but I have noticed that one thing remains consistent no matter. Whether the music is from the 1940's, 1980's, or today, different songs that are considered popular all mimic the same rhythm, style, and sometimes, melody. It is obvious that today's popular musicians many times imitate one another in their musical style to appeal to the masses. 

My next image is that of a McDonald's in Iraq. I chose this image to represent a "Multinational Corporation". It is no secret that McDonald's has restaurants all over the world, even in places such as Iraq or Afghanistan. It is interesting how an American company, which is one of the leaders of the fast food industry, can adapt its restaurants to fit the cultural needs of the people in the area. One example of this is the Japanese McDonald's, which offer unique items such as teriyaki or shrimp burgers.